ASC Membership Application
Complete the online application below and then print/sign/send the ASC Payroll Authorization Signature Form below to the ASC at: 811 N Hawley Road, Suite 104, Milwaukee, WI 53213
Why You Should Join the ASC
❖ The ASC (’Administrators & Supervisors’ Council) is the only professional organization representing the principals, assistant principals, and supervisors within MPS. ASC is the common ground shared by all such employees, acts as the central place for gathering and resolving common issues and problems and maintains strict confidentiality in all membership matters.
❖ The ASC acts as your voice in the community-wide network of education professionals. We represent our members in any matters involving certification, state policy mandates, and issues brought to our members by the individual and collective membership of the school board.
❖ The ASC acts and speaks on your behalf at community meetings, including school board meetings, where issues arise which affect you as an individual or the organization. We actively lobby the school board, city government, and state government on behalf of our members, MPS, and the larger education community of Milwaukee.
❖ The ASC represents you – and provides free attorney service for that representation – in all matters related to your employment. If you are called to a meeting with your supervisor, the superintendent, or the school board, we will be there with you, speak for and with you, advise you of your rights and obligations, and guide you through the various steps of the grievance procedure. We provide consultation and advice on the matter and function as your spokesperson throughout.
❖ The ASC interprets your retirement benefits with MPS and the Wisconsin Retirement System, provides consultation regarding retirement information, and offers individual counseling and retirement planning for all members.
❖ The ASC publishes newsletters to keep you current on all matters, whether they have a direct effect upon you or are of professional interest.
❖ The ASC provides consultation for other employment and recommendations for other employers and school districts regarding our members upon demand and with the consent of our member.
❖ The ASC maintains an ongoing relationship with other professional and labor organizations throughout the community, state, and country.
❖ The ASC provides post retirement consultation and representation to our retired members in any matters relating to their previous employment with MPS. This includes the legal representation mentioned above, when necessary, to maintain our members’ rights and benefits. Additionally, the ASC supports the ASC/Retired organization which normally meets semi-annually.
For more information, contact the ASC Office at (414) 453-4400.